The department is headed by the Head of Clubs and Societies. Currently the department is comprised of 16 Clubs and Societies. Each student is required to be a member of at least one Club. The HOD works closely with all club patrons.
Clubs meet every Tuesday between 4.00 p.m. and 5.00p.m. The club officials are elected by club members. The students also have a Talent Day once in a year. This way the students get a chance to explore their talents through clubs, movements, societies, games and sports. These organizations arrange educational trips, tours and outings where the students also interact with other students.
The games department is headed by a Games master. A variety of games are offered in the school including soccer, volleyball, handball, rugby, basketball, hockey, athletics, lawn tennis, table tennis, and badminton.
We also have recreational games like Chess and Scrabble. Through the Games Master, the school tries to make sure that every student is involved in at least one game.